Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Greetings from Georgia

Is it spring yet? Living in the south doesn't mean warm. Today, a blustery wind kept the temperature around 27, and turned my thoughts to the garden. I know, I know, all you people in the frozen north and midwest are thinking you would LOVE to see 27 degrees, but for this southern girl, it is COLD! My love of gardening began when I was a little girl (although I didn't realize it until the Mother Earth News era of the 70's rekindled it). I remember my grandmother pitching coffee grounds, eggs shells, and old tea bags out the back door into a flower bed beside the house. I don't think she called this composting, but anything she attempted to grow flourished. A few years ago, an Herb Conference was held in town, and my interest in herbs was sparked. A number of the people on the merry blogsters group were involved, and have continued to be included in my circle of friends. As a result, I started my online business Gardenchick a few years ago, and have expanded this to include my brick and mortar business The Jasmine Moon, which I started in May of last year with my daughter in law Ashley. My blog is a mixture of garden tips, recipes, the joys and trials of running a business, with a little life stories thrown in. I occasionally write for the Essential Herbal Magazine, and give talks on various garden themes for local garden clubs.

Thanks Tina, for the opportunity to belong to the Merry Blogsters.


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